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LV Indie
Book Launch

Friends of the Boar

Writers improving their craft. Daily Writing Sessions, Multiple Weekly Critique Group
Meetings, Monthly Classes and Q&As, and Tons of Writing Exercises designed to make YOU a better writer. Take your writing to the next level. Join the WritersRoom.us now!

Arthur has Merlin, and Luke, Obi-Wan. The BOAR has a DRAKE. Award-winning writer and author of the 'Genesis of Oblivion Saga,' Maxwell Alexander Drake, to be exact. His literary accomplishments range from novels to EverQuest, Shadow Run, cinema, and more. You name it, he's probably done it. Visit his website at: https://www.starvingwriterstudio.com/

PODCAST: Releasing your inner dragon
Marie Mullany & Maxwell Alexander Drake (Authors)
Maxwell Alexander Drake and Marie Mullany, story
creators, talk about story creation. Episodes are available for free at Apple Podcasts, Youtube, and Amazon Audible
LV Boar News